Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot

I first published this review on August 23, 2010

Sunday morning at Crossroad Fellowship, Pastor Brad Cooper talked about the chaos that we notice inside ourselves when we try to be quiet. You know, when we turn off the television, the radio, try to be alone for a time with God. - And how often our quiet time turns into anything but...... which reminded me of a quote I have written in the back of my Bible.

It's from Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot. I'm sure many of you remember the story of the five missionaries to the Auca Indians of Ecuador in  the early '50's. They along with their wives and children wanted to evangelize this group of Indians but the five men were killed. Nate Saint, Ed McCully ,Pete Fleming, Jim Elliot and Roger Youderian. Several books have been written about them. I've probably read them all!! But of all the books, my favorites are by Elisabeth Elliot - the young wife of Jim.

In the Shadow of the Almighty she quotes a letter Jim had written to his mother while he was in college. Pastor Brad's sermon brought it to mind. It says: "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. I think the devil has made it his business to monopolize on 3 elements: noise, hurry and crowds.  If he can keep us hearing radios, gossip, conversation, or even sermons he is happy. But he will not allow quietness. For he believes Isaiah where we do not.  satan is quite aware of the power of silence. The voice of God, though persistent, is soft... I am finding your counsel to get enough sleep most practical, Mother.  Not only to be fit for the day and able to relax, but for Spiritual awareness and reception one must simply be rested if he is to be blessed. Let us resist the devil in this by avoiding noise as much as we can, seeking to spend time alone, facing ourselves in the Word... satan is aware of where we find our strength. May he not rob us."

      Quietness.  Rest.  Slowing down.  Listening to God? 
Can we listen when we've filled our lives with so much.... life?
Take time to stop.  Be quiet.  Listen.  

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