Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Help by Kathryn Stockett (review first published 2-17-10)

I first published this review on 2-17-2010
This was my first book review


The latest book on my shelf is "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett (fiction). This is our February choice for the book club I attend. I must start by saying I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Stockett creates three extraordinary women in Mississippi in the 1960's and showed how their lives touched in a way that makes a very interesting, enjoyable book. It's the story of black women - maids - raising white children but not trusted to polish the silver. It tells the good and the bad about working for these families. It also talks about the pressure put on white women to marry and have a family. If one was "fortunate" to graduate from college without getting married, she was still discouraged in having a career. The main goal is MARRIAGE. It presents much of the racial conflicts that were going on in the '60's and continue until now. A book that will make you think. At the same time, easy to read. Stocketts words flow on the pages. You will remember for a long time the stories of Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minnie.

"The Help" will go on my list of "favorites"

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