Monday, January 7, 2013

Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay

I first published this review on April 25, 2010

This is our book club choice for April and my friend, Debra, also wrote a review for her blog. You can read hers at:

This is a book that will stay with you for years to come. Another look at the holocaust - Rosnay did a great job of entwining the present with the past.

Julia Jarmond, an American journalist living in Paris begins to research the role the  French played during WW2.  It's a part of history very seldom mentioned and in Rosnay's interview printed in the back of the book I understand it's a part of history very much ignored - not taught in schools etc. She does an excellent job of bringing it to our attention now.  The shock of French Police carrying out these actions rather than the German's is greatly portrayed by Rosnay in the trust Sarah puts in these men for safety.

The book goes back and forth between the lives of Sarah - a Jewish girl in 1942 and Julia the journalist in 2002. She tells the discoveries Julia makes about Sarah and the "round-up" of the Jewish people - men, women and children. Issues facing women in the 21st century are also addressed by Rosnay. 

     Sarah's Key is a very moving story - very well written.

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